Governor Kelly, KDOT Celebrate $62.6 Million Federal Grant for 18th Street Bridge Replacement in Kansas City

Governor Laura Kelly and Kansas Department of Transportation Secretary Calvin Reed welcomed Federal Highway Administration Administrator Shailen Bhatt to Kansas City, Kansas, on August 29, to highlight the 18th Street Bridge Project.

In July, the U.S. Department of Transportation awarded KDOT a $62.6 million grant for the 18th Street Bridge Replacement Project in Kansas City. This federal grant, part of the FHWA Bridge Investment Program, aims to fund improvements to existing bridges and reduce the number of bridges in poor or at-risk condition.

The 18th Street Bridge in Wyandotte County is part of U.S. 69, a key interstate route stretching from Texas to Minnesota, essential for interstate commerce. Nearby are some of Kansas City, Kansas’ oldest neighborhoods, including Argentine and Armourdale.

In the late 1800s, the area surrounding the current 18th Street Bridge rapidly developed into an industrial hub, with major railroad operations and housing for workers. One of the nation’s largest rail yards, established in 1875, sits beneath the bridge, alongside several production facilities. Originally built in 1959, the bridge is set for replacement in 2025. Construction will require a full closure and is expected to be completed by 2027.

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