Governor Laura Kelly Declares Kansas Falls Prevention Awareness Week: Aimed at Reducing Risks for Older Adults

Governor Laura Kelly has declared September 23-27, as Kansas Falls Prevention Awareness Week. The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) and the Kansas Older Adult Falls Prevention Coalition are dedicated to helping older adults in Kansas reduce their risk of falls, a leading cause of serious injury and death for those over 65.

Falls are the primary cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries for older Kansans. For every fall-related death, 61 older adults are treated in emergency rooms. Falls impact safety, independence, and come with high personal and economic costs. However, falls can be significantly reduced through lifestyle changes, evidence-based prevention programs, and healthcare-community collaborations.

This week raises awareness about the growing issue of falls among seniors. Effective strategies include exercise to improve balance, medication management, vision care, home hazard reduction, and education. Falls are a preventable public health concern, and Kansas Falls Prevention Awareness Week encourages older adults to take steps to reduce their risk and live without the fear of falling.

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