Heinen Brothers and Kelly Hills Unveil FAA-Approved UAS Test Range with Grand Opening Event

Heinen Brothers Agra Services and its subsidiary, Kelly Hills Unmanned Systems, have received FAA approval for a UAS test range. To celebrate, they will host a grand opening event with test flights on August 22, 2024.

The test range, spanning nearly 49,000 square miles across Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and Iowa, is dedicated to advancing UAS in agriculture. It offers a low-risk environment for developers to evaluate their systems, aiding faster commercialization through collaboration with industry stakeholders.

“Heinen Brothers and Kelly Hills are true leaders and pioneers in the agricultural aviation sector,” said Lukas Koch, Chief Executive Officer of Kelly Hills. “The company has thirty years of experience with aerial applications. This test range has the potential to drive environmentally conscious innovation, improve the safety of pilots, and change the economic dynamics for the American farmer.”

The event, featuring a program, flight tests, and lunch, will be held in Seneca, KS. Attendees can RSVP online or via email.

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