On Monday, Nov. 13, I-70 traffic through Junction City is scheduled to open to unrestricted winter travel through March 2024, following the completion of Phase One construction. Following the opening of I-70, KDOT plans to temporarily close K-57 from Flint Hills Boulevard to the ramps south of I-70 for pavement replacement. Traffic will need to detour on I-70, access ramps to I-70 will remain open. (See attached map.) K-57 is scheduled to reopen in December, weather permitting. Phase Two of I-70 construction is scheduled to begin in mid-March 2024. Traffic will again be reduced to one lane in each direction and carried through construction via the westbound lanes while about 3 miles of pavement is replaced in the eastbound lanes. The multi-phase $30 million project includes construction of temporary crossovers, pavement and drainage structure replacement, bridge rehabilitation and resurfacing of some local routes. The project is scheduled to be completed by December of 2025, weather permitting. KDOT urges all motorists to be alert and obey the warning signs when approaching and driving through a highway work zone. To stay aware of all highway construction projects across Kansas, go to www.kandrive.gov or call 5-1-1.