Topics discussed at the Clay County Commissioners regular meeting on March 19 include payroll, road repairs, the county’s COOP plan, delinquent Real Estate Tax Sale, and more.
Commissioners Mayo, Thurlow, and Carlson attended the regular meeting starting at 8:00 a.m. The Board approved the minutes as printed. Payroll totaling $138,412.44 was reviewed and approved. The Board also reviewed and approved account payables of $1,810.88 for the 2024 budget and $181,206.04 for the 2025 budget.
Commissioner Thurlow moved to approve the $365.16 annual membership payment for the Kansas County Commissioners Association. Commissioner Carlson seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
Highway Administrator Bobby Shomper met with the Board for his weekly report. He discussed a damaged bridge on Utah Rd. between 26th and 27th Rd., which has a 4’ x 5’ hole in the floor and will remain closed until further notice. Last week, the Department completed road rock placement, tree removal, and worked with Schwab Eaton on an Elk Rd. right-of-way project quote. Supplies for crack sealing were ordered. Shomper plans to meet with Schilling Asphalt to determine an accurate cost for the 2025 asphalt project. This week, the Department will move winter-stored equipment from the Fairgrounds back to the Highway Department.
County Appraiser Danny Mesalles met with the Board to present a Residential NRP application for 936 7th Rd., Wakefield, KS, for approval. Commissioner Thurlow moved to approve and sign the application, Commissioner Carlson seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Mesalles also requested permission to file the 2002 Resolution on the partial closure of Elk Rd. with the Register of Deeds Office to assist with map updates. The Board approved the request.
Emergency Manager Pam Kemp and Deputy Emergency Manager Jim Bogart met with the Board for the weekly report. Kemp noted they attended the KEMA meeting last week and that she is updating the County’s COOP Plan. She reported severe fires in other counties, destroying multiple homes and a nursing home, while Clay County has had a few fires managed by Rural Firefighters. Kemp also sent updated information on the Smoky Hill Watershed, listing structures that may be in the new floodplain. The Weather Awareness Training is scheduled for April 3, 2025, at the Clay County Event Center. The Radio Communication meeting will be held on Thursday, March 20. Bogart added that electrical work will be completed this week and that a Hunter’s Safety Course is scheduled for March 29 at ESA.
County Health Director Dana Rickley met with the Board for the weekly report. She raised concerns about the cost of the annual fire extinguisher inspection. The company does not complete all inspections in one visit, instead returning and charging a $132 service call. With only four extinguishers to service, Rickley feels this fee is unfair.
Laura Pohlman met with the Commissioners to discuss past courthouse locations and inquire about available history or blueprints. The Board confirmed they have blueprints for the current courthouse but no records of earlier buildings. They suggested checking with the Museum for historical information on previous courthouses.
County Treasurer Christine Swaim informed the Board that they would receive the Engagement Letter and Resolution from Klenda Austerman LLC to begin work on the delinquent Real Estate Tax Sale. The County will pay Klenda $350 per parcel selected for tax foreclosure each year. This fee will be included as a redemption cost for each parcel in a judicial tax foreclosure proceeding when selected by the Clay County Treasurer.
Sheriff Alan Benninga met with the Board for the weekly report. He noted a busy weekend due to multiple fires across the County, which resulted in farmers losing several large hay bales. He also informed the Board that the Department will soon seek bids to replace a patrol unit.
Natalie Muruato, Director of Grow Clay County, met with the Board to present the guidelines and application form for the Small Business Development Grant. She noted that the application is currently under review by the County Attorney. The Board advised that once she receives approval, she may begin distributing the application to those interested in the grant.
Landfill Director Rhonda Carroll met with the Board to provide an update on the crawler repairs. She informed the Board that Foley Equipment contacted her last week about additional repairs needed on the 963 Caterpillar Crawler, totaling $15,614.73. After discussion, Commissioner Carlson moved to accept the quote from Foley Equipment for the additional repairs. Commissioner Thurlow seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
Ramey Lehman, representing Cowboy’s for Christ, met with the Board to request a donation for the organization. Mr. Lehman shared that on April 19, 2025, there will be a Free Horse-Riding event at the Clay County Fairgrounds arena, where children and adults can enjoy riding horses. Commissioner Thurlow moved to donate $500 to Cowboy’s for Christ from the Alcohol Fund. Commissioner Carlson seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
The Board contacted Chuck Arnold, Clay County Park Manager, by phone to discuss a complaint from an individual who is having issues with Mr. Arnold and is seeking a camping spot at the park. Mr. Arnold informed the Board that the park is currently full, but he would add the individual to the waiting list. The Board instructed Mr. Arnold to call the individual back and inform him that he has been placed on the waiting list.
Treasurer Christine Swaim met with the Board to present the Engagement Memorandum agreement between KLENDA AUSTERMAN LLC (“KLENDA”) and the Board of County Commissioners for Clay County, KS (“the County”). The agreement outlines KLENDA’s provision of legal services for the judicial foreclosure of ad valorem real estate property tax liens under K.S.A. 79-2801 et seq (“Tax Foreclosure”). After reviewing the agreement, Commissioner Carlson moved to sign the agreement with KLENDA AUSTERMAN LLC for the delinquent tax sale. Commissioner Thurlow seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
The Board adjourned at 12:20 p.m.