K-State Launches “Living Well Wednesday” Series to Help Families Climate-Proof Their Finances Amid Growing Weather Risks

In 2023, the U.S. Department of the Treasury warned American families about the increasing frequency and severity of weather events, highlighting the financial impact of climate-related risks.

This report is the foundation for the spring 2025 launch of Living Well Wednesday, a popular online series hosted by Kansas State University. The series aims to help families navigate these challenges.

Sharolyn Jackson, co-coordinator and family and consumer sciences specialist with K-State Research and Extension, announced that registration is now open for the February 12 program, titled “52 Ways to Climate-Proof Your Finances.” Jackson noted that the topic has become more relevant due to the rise in extreme weather events.

Registration is free and can be completed at Living Well Wednesday. This registration also grants access to future events planned for later this spring.

The 2023 Treasury report emphasized how extreme events like heat waves, droughts, floods, hurricanes, and wildfires could impose financial strain on households, especially those with fewer resources. The report warns that, without intervention, these risks could lead to compounded financial hardships.

K-State family finance specialist Elizabeth Kiss will lead the February 12 session, drawing on the 52 Ways publication by the Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN), which Kiss co-authored.

Examples of ways to climate-proof finances include:

  • Storing important documents in a fireproof, waterproof safe.
  • Creating a household inventory.
  • Reviewing and updating insurance policies.
  • Conducting a home energy audit to save money.
  • Understanding local climate risks.

Jackson emphasized that the program is designed to raise awareness and help people take steps to enhance their financial resilience. These actions can reduce stress in emergencies, such as when you need to evacuate or face income disruptions.

In addition to the February session, upcoming programs in the Living Well Wednesday series will focus on saving money in the kitchen, given a 25% rise in food prices since 2020, and examining money habits—helping people understand their spending behaviors and attitudes.

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