Kansans Urged to Review Insurance and Prepare for Unpredictable Storm Season

Kansans should be prepared for storm season by planning ahead and reviewing their insurance coverage. Commissioner Schmidt emphasized that Kansas weather is unpredictable, and taking steps now can make navigating storms easier.

Reviewing current insurance coverage is essential, especially if there have been changes to your property. Checking with an agent or insurance company ensures you have adequate protection. Creating a home inventory by listing and photographing possessions in each room can also be helpful. A downloadable personal inventory list is available on the Department’s publications page, or a similar document may be provided by your insurer. In addition, storing copies of insurance policies in a fireproof safe and keeping a secure digital backup can be crucial in case of an emergency.

If storm damage occurs, report claims promptly to your insurance provider and have relevant policy information ready. Documenting damaged property with photos and videos is important, and items should not be discarded until instructed by the insurer. Be cautious of fraudsters posing as adjusters or contractors. Always verify credentials, as legitimate insurance adjusters work for and are paid by insurance companies.

Suspicious activity can be reported to the Department at insurance.kansas.gov/complaint or by calling 785-296-3071.

The Kansas Department of Insurance provides several insurance shopping guides found online at insurance.ks.gov/department/publications.php.

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