Kansas 4-H Days Help Youth Build Public Speaking Skills for Future Success

The thought of speaking in front of an audience makes many people anxious. Beth Hinshaw, a Kansas 4-H youth development specialist, understands that nerves don’t always disappear with age, but public speaking does become easier with practice.

The key to improving public speaking is learning how to organize and present information. At first, young speakers may rely heavily on written notes, but over time, they start using outlines as they develop their skills.

Throughout February and March, youth across Kansas are sharpening their public speaking abilities at Kansas 4-H Days. These events challenge young people to present or demonstrate a 4-H project in front of a judge, who provides helpful feedback.

Public speaking is considered an essential skill for college and career success. Through 4-H, youth learn to organize their thoughts logically, research topics, express ideas clearly, create visual aids, and accept constructive feedback.

Kansas 4-H Days are hosted by local extension units for youth ages 7 to 18. Most presentations are individual, but some are team demonstrations. Youth also give talks that aim to persuade, inform, entertain, or inspire. Many people later credit their 4-H experiences for helping them develop strong communication skills.

The ultimate goal of these presentations is for youth to finish feeling proud of their accomplishments and what they’ve learned. Communication is just one of over 40 project areas in Kansas 4-H, the state’s largest youth organization. More information is available on the Kansas 4-H website.

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