Kansas Energy Efficiency Day: Tips to Save Energy This Winter

Wednesday, October 2, marks Kansas Energy Efficiency Day. Governor Laura Kelly has proclaimed this day to highlight the benefits of saving energy. As colder weather approaches, the Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC) encourages residents to prepare their homes and businesses for winter. There are many easy and affordable ways to save energy and cut utility bills. For bigger projects, funding is available for those who qualify.

Homeowners and renters needing help with weatherization costs can reach out to the Kansas Housing Resources Corporation (KHRC). Eligible households will receive a free energy audit to find ways to save energy, along with free services and upgrades.

Small business owners and farmers in towns with fewer than 50,000 people can also get support. The KCC Energy Office and Kansas State University Engineering Extension offer free energy assessments and help with applying for USDA Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) grants to pay for improvements.

In honor of Energy Efficiency Day, here are ten tips Kansans can use to save energy and money this winter:

1. Adjust the Temperature: Use a programmable thermostat to lower the heat when you’re away or asleep, and set it to warm up before you return. Aim for 68 degrees in  winter.

2. Lower Water Heating Costs: Set your water heater to no more than 120 degrees Fahrenheit to save energy and prevent scalding.

3. Seal Leaks: Keep warm air in by sealing gaps around windows, doors, and chimneys. This can save you up to 20% on heating costs.

4. Maintain Your HVAC System: Clean or change HVAC filters regularly to ensure your system runs efficiently.

5. Use Natural Heating: Keep curtains open during the day to let in sunlight for extra warmth.

6. Reverse Ceiling Fans: In winter, run ceiling fans clockwise to push warm air down into the living space.

7. Wash Clothes and Dishes Efficiently: Use cold water in the washing machine and run full loads. Skip the heated drying cycle for dishes; let them air dry instead.

8. Switch to LED Bulbs: Replace regular bulbs with ENERGY STAR certified LEDs to save money on electricity.

9. Turn Electronics Off: Switch off lights, appliances, and electronics when not in use. Use power strips for convenience.

10. Take Advantage of Tax Credits: If you made energy-efficient upgrades to your home after January 1, 2023, you could qualify for tax credits of up to $3,200. Check IRS.gov for details.

By following these tips, residents can make a positive impact on their energy bills and contribute to a more efficient Kansas.

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