On January 24th, USD 379 hosted the annual Kansas Heritage Day at Garfield Elementary and the Clay County Museum. The event took place between 10 am and 2 pm and included all fourth graders in the district. Special presentations were given throughout the day and told about life and skills needed to live as a pioneer. Students also learned about Kansas history.
Presenters included Mrs. Beth Catlin, who talked about one-room schoolhouses; Mrs. Mary Taddiken brought musical instruments that were used by pioneers for entertainment and storytelling; Mrs. Connie Frigon demonstrated pioneer cooking; Mrs. Lynn Smith shared medical remedies that were used by pioneers.

There were also presenters from the Eisenhower Museum from Abilene. They are about President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s 1952 “I Like Ike” presidential Campaign. In addition, the Clay County Museum hosted a scavenger hunt for the students to learn more about the history of Clay County.
Finally, Mr. Mark Green brought his family’s antique apple cider press to show students how it was used.