As fall harvest begins, farmers in Kansas are busy, and the Kansas Highway Patrol (KHP) urges drivers to exercise caution and patience around farm trucks, tractors, combines, and other equipment. Most farm machinery travels at speeds of only 15-25 mph and is often wider than the traffic lane, so extra space is needed when sharing the road. Caution is essential on all roads, especially on busy rural routes with unmarked intersections.
KHP urges drivers to keep these tips in mind:
- Don’t assume farmers see you. They focus on the road ahead and may not hear your vehicle due to noise from their equipment.
- Pass with caution. Only pass when you have a clear view ahead. Avoid passing in “No Passing Zones” and near intersections or hills.
- When a farm vehicle pulls to the right, it may not be turning. Farmers often make wide left turns, so give them space.
- Be patient. Farmers can’t always move aside safely due to soft or steep shoulders. They will pull over when it’s safe.
- Slow down when you see a slow-moving vehicle emblem. It signals you to adjust your speed, especially at night.
Stay focused. Distracted driving increases the risk of collisions with slow-moving farm vehicles.