Kansas Launches Modernized Unemployment Insurance System to Enhance User Experience and Security

Governor Laura Kelly and Kansas Secretary of Labor Amber Shultz announced the launch of a new online unemployment insurance (UI) system at KansasUI.gov. This modernized platform replaces the outdated system from the 1970s, which often experienced slow processing, technical glitches, and difficulty managing high claim volumes, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The upgraded system offers a user-friendly interface, easy-to-understand language, and self-service options, enabling Kansans to file claims independently and reduce reliance on the UI Contact Center. Employers benefit from improved reporting tools and enhanced security to combat fraud.

“Launching KansasUI.gov demonstrates KDOL’s commitment to providing superior services,” Kansas Secretary of Labor Amber Shultz said. “We know adapting to the new system will take a little time, but we are confident that users will have a good experience, and our team is ready to respond to issues quickly and continue to improve.”  

The Kansas Department of Labor (KDOL) informed 9,000 claimants and 80,000 employers about the changes via email, postcards, and webinars. This project, called the Unemployment Insurance Technology Enhancement (UITE), reflects Kansas’s commitment to providing effective and secure workforce support, making the process smoother for both claimants and employers.

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