Kansas Parents Embrace Skilled Trades and Alternatives to Four-Year Colleges, Survey Shows, Amid Rising Concerns About Tuition and Student Debt

A recent survey on parents’ perceptions of post-secondary options in Kansas shows growing acceptance of skilled trade careers and alternatives to traditional four-year colleges.

The 2024 study, conducted by HirePaths in partnership with the Kansas State Department of Education, reveals that fewer parents now expect their children to earn a bachelor’s degree (62.1%, down from 74.2% in 2019). Rising tuition costs and concerns about student debt contribute to this shift.

The survey found that over 75% of parents are happy with their child attending a technical school, and nearly 60% favor apprenticeships. Parents’ perceptions of certain high-demand jobs, like nursing and teaching, declined due to pandemic impacts. However, most parents still believe that Kansas offers promising opportunities for their children, with only 10.4% feeling their child needs to leave the state to succeed.

The full report is available at hirepaths.com/parentperceptionsurvey.

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