Kansas Receives “C” Grade on Annual Oral Health Report Card for Fifth Consecutive Year, Highlights Ongoing Access Challenges

Kansas received a “C” grade on the annual Kansas Oral Health Report Card from Oral Health Kansas for the fifth year in a row. The report compares the state’s oral health outcomes to national benchmarks, highlighting progress and ongoing challenges in dental care access.

From 2024 to 2025, the percentage of children receiving preventive dental care saw little change—around 1% or less. However, KanCare (Medicaid) enrollment increased, a positive sign. Still, fewer than half of eligible children receive preventive dental visits, underscoring the need for improved access and outreach.

Adult oral health outcomes have remained largely unchanged over the past five years. About two-thirds of Kansas adults visited a dentist in the past year, roughly matching the percentage with dental insurance.

Kansas lawmakers are considering increasing KanCare dental reimbursement rates to match private insurance rates, a move that could boost provider participation and expand dental care access for more residents.

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