Kansas Safety Corridor Pilot Program’s First Year Sees Increased Enforcement and Impact on Driver Behavior

The Kansas Department of Transportation and the Drive to Zero Coalition have completed the first year of their five-year Safety Corridor Pilot Program. This initiative seeks to reduce fatalities and serious injuries on four highway corridors by implementing effective safety measures, including increasing state and local law enforcement presence.

The safety corridors are on stretches of I-135, U.S. 83/50, U.S. 69, and U.S. 24, with each spanning 10 to 35 miles of Kansas highway. They are marked with yellow signs indicating “Safety Corridor/Increased Enforcement.”

From October 2023 to June 2024, state and local law enforcement logged nearly 1,300 hours in the safety corridors. During this period, they made close to 2,600 contacts with the public, issuing a range of warnings and citations. The most frequent citation was for speeding more than 10 mph over the posted limit.

“We know driver behavior improves when motorists expect and see law enforcement,” said Transportation Safety Bureau Chief Vanessa Spartan. “Law enforcement officers are dedicated to helping save lives on our highways, and their efforts on the safety corridors are making an impact.”

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