Kansas Unemployment Rate Rises to 3.6% in December; State Gains 1,200 Jobs Over the Month

Preliminary data from the Kansas Department of Labor and the Bureau of Labor Statistics show the unemployment rate in Kansas was 3.6% in December.

This is slightly higher than 3.5% in November and up from 2.6% in December 2023. Kansas added 1,200 nonfarm jobs in December, with 500 jobs in the private sector and 700 in government. Labor economist Emilie Doerksen noted that the labor market showed little change by the end of the year.

Over the past year, Kansas gained 18,400 nonfarm jobs, including 13,300 private sector jobs and 5,100 government jobs. More detailed information on the labor market for December can be found here. The next Labor Report will be released on March 7, 2025.

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