Kansas Unemployment Rises to 3.3% in August as Private Sector Jobs Decline; Real Wages See 2.6% Growth

Preliminary estimates from the Kansas Department of Labor’s Labor Market Information Services (LMIS) and the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) show the state’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate rose to 3.3% in August, up from 3.2% in July and 2.6% in August 2023.

Seasonally adjusted job data for Kansas indicates that total nonfarm employment remained stable compared to July. Private sector jobs decreased by 3,500, while government employment grew by 3,500.

Labor economist Emilie Doerksen noted that nominal hourly earnings in the private sector have risen. In August, earnings growth outpaced inflation, leading to a 2.6% increase in real hourly wages compared to last year.

Since August 2023, Kansas has seen an increase of 20,000 nonfarm jobs, with 18,500 coming from the private sector and 1,500 from government employment.

You can find complete Kansas labor market information for August here.

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