Law Enforcement Urges Caution Against Impaired Driving This Labor Day: New Campaign Aims to Reduce Crashes and Fatalities

As summer comes to a close, law enforcement’s crackdown on impaired driving continues. For this Labor Day holiday, the Kansas Department of Transportation, the Drive To Zero Coalition, and law enforcement officials are urging drivers to reconsider before driving under the influence.

The “If You Feel Different, You Drive Different. Drive High, Get a DUI” campaign will run from August 14 through September 2. In 2023, 67 people died in Kansas crashes involving alcohol impairment, a decrease from 95 in 2022, but serious injuries from alcohol-related crashes increased last year.

Convictions for impaired driving come with severe penalties, including hefty fines and jail time. Take control and avoid these consequences by designating a sober driver, using rideshare services, taking public transportation, or staying home. The Drive To Zero Coalition emphasizes education and enforcement to reduce impaired driving crashes and fatalities. A news conference in Lawrence this morning marked the launch of this safe driving initiative.

“The bottom line is if you are impaired, you should not be driving,” said Gary Herman, KDOT Behavioral Safety Manager. “You place yourself, your occupants, and anyone else you encounter along the road at risk. Every DUI victim is someone’s loved one.”

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