Manhattan, Kan. — Construction is set to begin Monday, April 25 on North Manhattan Avenue in Aggieville, which will be closed from Fremont Street to Moro Street for an extended period of time, through fall 2022.
McCown Gordon and the City of Manhattan will begin work Monday on this next Aggieville Vision phase. The full project will encompass North Manhattan Avenue from Fremont to Bluemont Avenue and it will include complete reconstruction of the street, sidewalks, water lines, and storm sewer.

Olsson concept rendering of N. Manhattan Avenue after project completion
The first phase of this construction project will be from Fremont north to Moro. During this phase, the Aggieville Parking Garage will be accessible only via the intersection of 14th Street and Laramie. The public parking lot north of Laramie Street will remain open to the public and is accessible from 12th Street.
This $6 million project was approved by the City Commission on December 21, 2021. Revenues from Aggieville’s Tax Increment Finance (TIF) district and through the 0.5% Economic Recovery and Relief sales tax approved by Manhattan voters, set to commence January 1, 2023, are anticipated to pay for the financing of this project.
For questions about this project, please contact Project Coordinator Ken Hays at (785) 587-2415 or
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