By Trish Svoboda
Phoenix Fitness owners Tabitha and Jenean Goulette will hold a ribbon-cutting ceremony for their new women’s fitness facility on Friday, September 15 at 5:00 p.m. in Clay Center.
They began their business about a year ago, and have gone from the track, to their basement, and now to their new location downtown. One unique part of their journey is they did it all on their own with no loans or investors. Just a lot of hard work and passion.
While both have backgrounds and experience in health and fitness, Tabitha said what brought them back into the fitness world was when she was assaulted three years ago she found there really weren’t any resources for that in the area. When Happy Hippie opened she fell back in love with yoga, and things progressed from there.
Tabitha tells us a little more.
Tabitha and Jenean offer options for all fitness levels, budgets, and schedules. Details can be found on their Facebook.