Protect Backyard Birds: How Window Films Can Prevent Deadly Collisions

Homeowners aiming for sparkling windows this spring may want to rethink their approach, especially if they enjoy backyard birds. Window collisions kill an estimated 1 billion birds annually, affecting urban, suburban, and rural areas. These strikes happen when birds either fail to see the glass or mistake their reflection for a competitor.

Researchers have tested window films to reduce bird collisions. Wildlife specialist Drew Ricketts suggests using films with animal shapes or patterns to make windows more visible to birds without obstructing views. However, industrial products like bird shields and bird shades offer a more effective solution. Bird shields feature pinstripe designs barely visible to humans but noticeable to birds, while bird shades use light wavelengths birds can see but humans cannot.

Proper placement is key. When applied outside, bird shades reduce collisions by 50% and bird shields by 40%. Though these numbers may seem small, preventing half a billion bird deaths is significant. Applying films inside drastically lowers effectiveness, making exterior application crucial.

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