Rep. Derek Schmidt Backs Bill to Protect Americans’ Right to Jury Trials in Federal Agency Cases

Congressman Derek Schmidt announced he is supporting H.R. 432, the Seventh Amendment Restoration Act, introduced by Congresswoman Harriet Hageman. The bill ensures Americans have the right to a jury trial when dealing with federal agencies.

In 2024, the Supreme Court ruled that the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) violated the Seventh Amendment by using its own courts to issue civil penalties instead of allowing a jury trial. This bill would extend that ruling to all federal agencies, giving people the option to take their cases to a federal district court instead of an agency-run court.

“For years, federal agency bureaucrats have used their own internal court system to bulldoze Americans,” Congressman Schmidt said. “As attorney general, I fought against big government’s intrusion into Kansans’ lives. This legislation reaffirms one of the core principles of our republic: the right to a jury trial. I’m proud to join my colleagues to take this important step to preserve Americans’ constitutional rights.”

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