Clay County Jail Passes Fort Riley Inspection

At the Clay County Commissioners’ meeting, Sheriff Alan Benninga announced that the jail had been approved by an inspector from Fort Riley. Clay County contracts with the Fort to house prisoners as needed. Benninga said the contract is up for renewal. 

An inspection was scheduled to review safety, security, and sanitation. 

“We are only one of several jurisdictions that house for them,” he said. Adding that if and when Fort Riley prisoners are brought to Clay County, they are separated from other detainees. In addition, officers and enlisted Army soldiers are also separated from one another, if both are present. 

The agreement includes two hot meals per day per soldier, and Fort Riley pays $55 per day per soldier. 

“Fort Riley does not house prisoners with us very often,” Benninga said. “Normally the prisoners they bring us are well behaved.” 

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