Rural Development Group Lands Beloit Grant Project

The city of Beloit was awarded a $650,000 grant from the Kansas Housing Resources Corporation as part of Moderate Income Housing funds. The funds will build eight houses with the help of Clay Center’s  Rural Development Group. In addition, the Beloit builds will be subject to in KHITCs and $30,000 in down payment assistance 

Each house will have three bedrooms and two bathrooms, using the same floor plans of the Moderate Income Houses in Clay Center, which are located on the east side of town. 

The grant was one of 15 projects throughout the state, totaling $8,180,540 in Moderate Income Housing funds, $5,394,000 in Kansas Housing Investor Tax Credits (KHITCs), and $700,000 Revolving Loan Funds (RFL). In total, the monies are awarded to provide affordable housing to 

families in rural Kansas areas. The project will bring a total of 229 houses and/or living units to the state. 

Recent reports stated that rural Kansas needs 4,000 houses a year to keep up with population growth.

In addition to the Beloit homes, the following will be built as part of the 8.1 million in funds: 24 rental townhomes in Colby, 8 single-family homes in Little River, 34 duplexes and 6 townhomes in Manhattan, 4 duplexes in Baldwin City, 7 triplexes in Lansing, 12 apartments in Marysville, 23 single-family homes in Osawatomie, 18 multifamily rental units in Caney, 7 duplexes and 6 triplexes in Chanute, 3 single-family homes in Parsons, 13 apartments in El Dorado, 5 duplexes in Garden Plain, 3 single-family homes in Greensburg, and 2 triplexes Kinsley.

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