Senator Jerry Moran Leads Groundbreaking for Southwest Airlines’ New SAFFiRE Plant, Boosting Sustainable Aviation Fuel Production and Supporting U.S. Farmers

U.S. Senator Jerry Moran, co-chair of the Senate Sustainable Aviation Caucus, led the groundbreaking ceremony on August 29 for Southwest Airlines’ new SAFFiRE plant in Liberal, Kansas.

“This facility’s cutting-edge technology will transform the corn stalks and husks remaining after harvest into ethanol that will be processed into fuel used to fly airplanes,” said Sen. Moran. “With this new energy plant, Liberal will play a key role in developing sustainable aviation fuel that is a cleaner fuel for planes, creates a new market for farmers, and brings the United States closer to being energy independent. In addition, China’s recent decision to decrease imports of sorghum makes projects like this even more vital to support our producers.”

The new SAFFiRE plant will utilize corn stover, which includes the stalks, leaves, and cobs remaining after corn harvest, to produce renewable ethanol, which will then be converted into sustainable aviation fuel (SAF).

Earlier this year, Senator Moran introduced the Farm to Fly Act to accelerate SAF production and development through existing U.S. Department of Agriculture programs. In addition, he wrote an op-ed on SAF for a special edition of the Washington Times.

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