TFI Shares Halloween Safety Tips for Families

By Payton Tholstrup

October is flying by and the spookiest day of the year will be here in just a few days. While Halloween is an exciting time, especially for children, TFI: The Family Initiative, shared the following tips to ensure everyone stays safe.

  • Enhance visibility. TFI suggests choosing costumes that are visible at night so drivers can see them in the dark or wearing reflective gear. Kids can also carry flashlights or wear glow-in-the-dark bracelets.
  • Clear eyes. Your child should be able to clearly see everything around them. If they are wearing a mask, make sure the eye holes are wide enough. An alternative to wearing a mask is using kid-friendly, glow-in-the-dark face paint.
  • Stay together. Don’t allow children under the age of 13 to walk alone and make sure to trick-or-treat in groups with an adequate adult-to-child ratio. Children above the age of 13 should be encouraged to go with a buddy.
  • Look twice. Teach your children to look both ways, and then look left again before crossing the street. Encourage them to use the sidewalk as much as possible and not to cross the street between parked cars.
  • Inspect candy before your child eats it.

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