Tips for Choosing, Caring For, and Planting Your Live Christmas Tree

When selecting a live Christmas tree, avoid those with dull, gray-green needles, dry and brittle needles, or trees that easily shed their needles. Many commercial sites store cut trees for weeks, so carefully evaluate them before buying.

After bringing your tree home, re-cut the trunk about an inch above the base to reopen the plant tissues that absorb water. Immediately place the trunk in a stand filled with water. Keep the tree away from heat sources and drafty areas, and ensure the stand reservoir is always full. Freshly cut trees absorb significant water during the first few weeks, so check the water level every other day. If the cut end is exposed to air for several hours, re-cut it before placing it back in water.

For living trees, plan to plant them shortly after the holidays. Dig the planting hole before the ground freezes. Limit indoor time to a few days to prevent the tree from initiating new growth, which makes it vulnerable to winter conditions. At planting, water thoroughly and add mulch to prevent freezing.

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