U.S. CattleTrace Unveils Interview on USDA-APHIS Rule Amendment, Highlighting Enhanced Disease Traceability and Beef Industry Safeguards

U.S. CattleTrace has released an exclusive video interview with Executive Director Callahan Grund, highlighting the importance of animal disease traceability and the upcoming amendment to the USDA-APHIS traceability rule. The new amendment, set to take effect in November, aims to improve the nation’s ability to rapidly trace livestock movements during a disease outbreak, a key concern for both producers and consumers.

In the interview, Grund discusses the vital role traceability plays in safeguarding the beef supply chain, preparing for potential outbreaks, and maintaining market access. He also explains how the upcoming changes will strengthen the existing traceability system to better meet the evolving needs of the cattle industry and regulatory agencies.

“We’re at a pivotal moment in animal health and safety,” Grund said in the video. “The amendment to the rule will not only streamline disease tracking efforts but will also fortify the U.S. cattle industry’s global leadership in delivering safe, high-quality beef. Animal disease traceability is essential to the health of our industry and our economy.”

You can watch the full interview here.

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