We recently sent out a set of questions to all candidates running for the USD 379 School Board. The following includes their answers verbatim.
Click on the candidate’s name to jump to their answers:
Tracy Claeys | Apryl Peerson | Shanna Sterling | Linda Sleichter | Laura Schwartz |
Deborah Brown | David Jermark | Paige Taddiken
Tracy Claeys
Declined to participate.
Apryl Peerson

Why are you running for school board?
My passion and purpose is kids and my goal is to build a future for their success through quality education. I want USD379 to be an extraordinary district and my purpose is to fuel the growth and success of ALL students and staff.
If elected to the school board, what will be your priorities?
Focus on funding and the budget – ensuring we as a board and communities determine the best way to maximize declining state aid due to the increase in assessed valuation in our county; which has increased by more than $30M since 2021. 2. Maintaining a steady or slightly growing enrollment. This is becoming increasingly difficult for many of the districts across our state, as evidenced by the declining population in rural communities. However, with a focus on community, local businesses, and families we can achieve this goal by attracting people who want to raise their children in our district. 3. Hiring and retaining staff – we must be able to offer competitive salaries to certified and classified staff. There are fewer students graduating from higher education with an education degree so we must be an employer of choice and provide resources to attract people to our district. We must also provide other incentives to retain staff – like the retention bonus I voted to approve. And continually work on other big issues, like childcare, that remains a large concern on the minds of many in Clay County.
Is there a particular issue that motivates you to serve on the school board?
There is not one issue that motivates me to serve. In fact, I believe the opposite is important; I believe a school board member should NOT be focused on any one issue since a school board’s goals are to carry out the mission of the district which encompasses countless areas of work. My motivation is KIDS. My goal is to provide ALL students of our district with the best education possible and to maximize their experience to prepare them for life after they graduate.
What experiences or skills do you have that have prepared you for the school board?
I’m currently serving the last year of my 2nd term on the USD379 Board of Education, which provides me with 8 years of experience in the role. I have made my home in Clay County and have raised 4 children in our schools. Two of which have already graduated and are fulfilling their higher education goals and the other two will graduate this year. I, too, graduated from CCCHS. Aside from attending K-State to receive my degree in accounting, I have been a lifelong resident in this community. My husband and I have worked hard over the past 5 years to own, establish, and grow a thriving business in downtown Clay Center and we are so proud of what Java Junkies means to Clay County. In May, I successfully completed by 23rd year at Steel and Pipe Supply Co, headquartered in Manhattan, KS where I hold the position of Vice President of Sales. My daily role in this position affords me the opportunity to manage a large team of highly capable sales professionals located throughout the United States. In my role, I am responsible for the financial revenue and results of our entire distribution network. And my proudest accomplishment is that I’m a mother of 4 amazing children whose families are so very proud of them, and I attribute a great deal of their success to our community and our school district.
What school district/community activities/organizations have you been involved with?
Throughout the years I have participated and volunteered with so many great organizations in our district and community. I’m a USD 379 School Board Member since 2016, Parents as Teachers volunteer, PEP volunteer, Orange and Black Pack member and volunteer, Grow Clay County advocate, member and volunteer, Piotique Parade contributor, CCYBA volunteer, Slagle Studio volunteer. I’m a member of the United Methodist Church of Clay Center where I’ve helped in many ways over the years. A few of them include Vacation Bible School, Sunday School teacher, Christmas program director. We are members of the Clay Center Country Club and strongly support the Jr. Golf program. I’m a member of the Negotiations team for the district that meets with the Teachers Association every year to negotiate their contract. Festival of Trees supporter and contributor, Clay Center FFA supporter. And countless events we have been a part of with Java Junkies to bring events to downtown Clay Center through many great efforts of the GROW team.
What makes you different from other candidates?
Experienced Board Member for 8 years. Proven leadership over those 8 years. A few examples include hiring our current Superintendent, Mr. Nelson. Navigating our way through the challenging COVID-19 pandemic and doing everything in our power to get our kids back into the classroom and keep them there. A thriving financial future for the district – including a strong capital outlay fund which provides visibility to the large expenditure items in the next 3-5 years so we can successfully budget for the known and have contingencies for the unknown. I’ve been School Board President for 3 years – which is voted upon position by my peers. I have proven leadership in my role at Steel and Pipe Supply that gives me great experience, knowledge, and foresight to help manage the activities and duties of the Board. I don’t know if this is different, but it’s important for you to know about me. I love this community. This community is my HOME, it always has been. It’s where I’ve raised my family and where we want our children to raise their families one day, if they choose.
What is the best way to address differences of opinions on the board, or differences of opinion between the board and administration?
The best way to address different opinions is always through communication. Communication is the key to understanding. Also, having an open mindset to listen to a different opinion is critical. Communication is a two-way street and I believe the best way to effectively communicate is when both parties are accountable for their own actions and can value the opinions of others. The best way to address these differences is to reach out to your board member and discuss the matter at hand. Your board member will share with you the steps you can take to ensure your thoughts are heard and communicated with others on the board. Each month the board has a business and discussion item section that we discuss or share various topics that are happening within the district and the community. I encourage everyone to attend the meetings, access the board documents prior to the meeting and get involved in that process. We welcome all those that want to attend in public or through our online option.
How can a board of education best communicate with its constituents?
The best way is at regular board meetings or events within the community that have been designed to discuss important topics. The strategic planning event last year where we invited more than 70 members of the community to share thoughts, desires, concerns, expectations, etc. is a great example of what good looks like! There are many ways to get involved at the building levels to gather information and have an impact on what is happening in our schools. This information is shared with the board of education at the monthly meetings. Site Council is a great example of this. A summary of the board meeting is shared with local advertising agencies to highlight the most critical issues each month. Meeting minutes are also available to the public on the district website following each meeting. However, all that said, we still need to work hard to provide as much communication as possible to our constituents. We can create focus groups to get input on the most critical items our community is faced with – in fact, we have done this many different times over the past couple years. I would encourage anyone who wants to be included in these discussions to reach out to me to find out how you can get involved and share your thoughts on how we can improve!
What is your vision for education in this community?
My vision is that our schools prepare each student to be resilient learners and leave our buildings with the ability to contribute to their community. I want each student to be prepared for post-secondary opportunities, for their careers and for life. I want them to be employable and to have the skills they need no matter what field of study or area of expertise they wish to work in. To accomplish this, I believe we must create a culture that challenges our students to thrive socially and academically. We must seek community buy-in, and we need to increase communication and collaboration with all stakeholders to strengthen engagement levels. Our culture must place high value on retaining and recruitment of high-quality staff. And we must provide a safe and secure school community with modern amenities, facilities, and resources to meet changing demands and encourage growth. My hope and belief is we can create an environment and instill a culture at USD379 that achieves this vision where every child succeeds.
What are your areas of concern regarding student achievement in this district?
I believe the biggest area of concern impacting student achievement in the district is continued recovery from the impact of COVID-19. I also believe USD379 did a remarkable job getting our children back into the classroom and keeping them there through all the challenges. Research shows that attendance has the highest impact on student achievement results. Meaning, having students in school and learning is the single most important thing we can do to achieve better results. We can’t educate kids if they aren’t in school. Chronic absenteeism at USD379 has improved over the last 2 years from 19% to 10%. This is also significantly better than the state average! Some of the things we have accomplished to help curb this is to offer more course electives, so our students want to learn (including 17 different career pathways in the last two years). Work-based learning opportunities and internships to keep our kids engaged in what interests them. Fully implemented Individual Plans of Study for grades 6-12, offering credit recovery programs for Secondary students, offering K-6 graders a six-week summer learning opportunity to help them catch up. All these great programs are a result of the hard work and dedication by our community and staff to put programs in place that help our kids recover. If we continue to budget for these very important items, we will be more successful in keeping our students in school and therefore giving them the best opportunity for success; all of which leads to positive student achievement!
Shanna Sterling

Why are you running for the school board?
I am running for a position on our school board because I deeply value education.
If elected to the school board, what will be your priorities?
*aligning our budget to reflect our educational needs first
*pull back some on the use of technology and guide the district to more strong and solid skill sets for our students
*substitute teacher shortage
Is there a particular issue that motivates you to serve on the school board?
Participant did not respond.
What experiences or skills do you have that have prepared you for the school board?
I am not afraid to ask hard questions, speak up when needed. I hold a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Education. I have taught in USD 379 as a substitute teacher for many years, have been a preschool teacher and have previously worked in a Behavior and Social Skills classroom.
What school district/community activities/organizations have you been involved with?
*served on PEP at Garfield school, the Site Council at CCCMS and on the Friends of the Library board
*involved in 4-H with all 5 of my children over the years
What makes you different from other candidates?
All the candidates possess unique abilities and giftings to offer the district and I don’t think there is one that outweighs the other, however I won’t claim to be gifted in or knowledgeable about every facet of tasks that a school board has before them but I will fully engage. I will ask questions. I will learn and I will listen to the people.
What is the best way to address differences of opinions on the board, or differences of opinion between the board and administration?
Participant did not respond.
How can a board of education best communicate with its constituents?
Participant did not respond.
What is your vision for education in this community?
Students that possess very strong academic skills. Students that possess the ability to problem solve and not quit when it gets tough.
What are your areas of concern regarding student achievement in this district?
*lacking in strong written communication skills *stronger basic mathematical skills *spending a large amount of time focused on “career planning” for young children
Linda Sleichter

Why are you running for the school board?
I am running for school board because I want the school board to consist of people who have the education of our children as their number one priority. I am so grateful for the education my kids have received in this district, and want to do my part to support the many teachers, administrators, and staff who have made that possible.
If elected to the school board, what will be your priorities?
I have three priorities as a school board member: one, to provide the best possible education for every child in our district; two, be fiscally responsible with the taxpayers dollars entrusted to us; and three, support our teachers, staff, and administrators to make the district a great place to work.
Is there a particular issue that motivates you to serve on the school board?
There isn’t one particular issue that motivates me to serve on the school board. My priority is to educate the children and to be the best possible employer for our team.
What experiences or skills do you have that have prepared you for the school board?
When I agreed to join the school board, I had a child in each of the buildings in Clay Center, plus my husband was teaching in Wakefield. I felt I had a broad, unique perspective of the district. I have had a child attending USD 379 since August 2006, and my kids have also been served by the special education coop, for almost every service offered. I also have a bachelor’s degree from Kansas State University, my LPN degree from North Central Kansas Technical College, and an associate degree from Cloud County Community College. I grew up seeing my dad be successful with his tech degree from Goodland, and while working at K-State for eleven years, I saw the benefit of a university setting, too. I see the value of post-secondary education in many different forms and want our district to prepare our kids for success in whatever path they take after high school.
What school district/community activities/organizations have you been involved with?
My family and I attend Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church, and I have taught religious education there in the past. We are members of the Lincoln Creek 4-H Club, and Jay and I have served as club leaders and project leaders in 4-H. Jay and I help coordinate the Christmas Tree Festival in Clay Center, and I deliver Meals on Wheels when my schedule allows.
What makes you different from other candidates?
I grew up in the Renwick School District, attending St. Mark’s Elementary School and then graduating from Andale High School. Renwick is one of the few districts in our state with a similar set up as USD 379, with one larger 4A high school and one smaller 2A high school. I know the benefit of going to grade school where there are only 17 kids in your grade, but I also know the benefits of attending a 4A high school, where you have room to grow, stretch your wings, and try new things.
What is the best way to address differences of opinions on the board, or differences of opinion between the board and administration?
Open communication is the key. I feel a lot of the tension the past two years can be attributed to lack of communication, people presenting rumors and myths as facts, and people being blind-sided in a public setting. I think it helps to ask the questions before the meeting, so the facts are known, before spreading rumors and myths publicly. There will still be differences of opinions, but at least the decisions are based on facts. That method is a lot more productive, and less vindictive. In the six years that I have been on the board, there have been many times when I was really upset about something I had heard about our district. Once I got the true answers from district administration or parents, I realized how wrong the rumors were and usually would agree with how a situation was handled.
How can a board of education best communicate with its constituents?
Honestly and timely; that’s how a board of education can best communicate with its constituents. I do believe it has to be partly the constituent’s responsibility to look for the communication. The board meetings are public, they are now recorded and posted online for viewing, the minutes are emailed out to all staff and media members, and the agendas and minutes are posted on BoardDocs. There are many ways for the public to find the information; I’m not sure how much more the board can do to dispense the communication. If the public has suggestions on how better to communicate with them, I encourage them to email or call us and let us know.
What is your vision for education in this community?
I would love to see a 95 percent graduation rate, and an improved 5-year success rate for our graduates. I want us to be a school district that attracts families to the county, because of the excellence of our students, the unity of our community, and the enticing salaries for our employees. I want our students to go to school feeling safe and leave the building with the knowledge and confidence to succeed in their endeavors.
What are your areas of concern regarding student achievement in this district?
I have seen a shift in student achievement in the past year, with more students setting goals, putting the work into achieving those goals, and succeeding in their endeavors. I see increased achievement in ACT and WorkKeys results, in athletic successes, in fine arts performances, in scholarships obtained, and in construction science. But I am concerned there are still too many pockets of students who are not driven to reach their potential, who have decided the minimum effort is good enough, or who have not found the motivation to try to succeed. As a district, I hope we are doing everything we can as an educational institution to motivate those kids and help them reach their potential, so they can see the benefit of working hard to achieve a goal. (I encourage people to go to KSDE’s Website (https://datacentral.ksde.org/) and see the data on where our district currently stands for themselves.) I am also concerned that we do not have a sustainable model in our district currently. In the next five years, we are looking at a shortage of teachers, a very tight budget, and increasing costs per pupil. We need to be willing to adapt, to be creative in how we educate our students, and to be a united group to entice families to our district.
Laura Schwartz

Why are you running for the school board?
I am running for school board because I feel I have experience, knowledge, and also the education to support the different areas faced within this field. I work in the College of Education at Kansas State University and I understand the simple commodities and complexities that teachers, students, parents, and the community experience or may experience throughout a school year. By adding me on the school board team, a person adds knowledge that comes from the higher education viewpoint that would add balance because I work daily in the what would be the future for K-12 students.
If elected to the school board, what will be your priorities?
I want to work together with the administration, the teachers, the parents, the students, and the communities to assure that decisions made in USD 379 support all. I want to have a clear vision of our district, work at seeing the new goals set for USD 379 are being implemented to be achieved in the next five years, focus in on the achievement of students and to set plans to consistently show improvements, stay connected with the community offering transparency and being there to listen, building positive relationships within our district within each school, making sure we manage and use our resources wisely, and continue to monitor what our data says about our district – how well are we doing and well are we.
Is there a particular issue that motivates you to serve on the school board?
There isn’t one main issue as to why I want to serve, but what motivates me to serve is that I do understand the field of education because I work in it daily. I would like to serve to help in using my skills to create ideas to keep the students socially and emotionally well to meet their educational goals, to stay in touch with the faculty and staff to make sure they are also socially and emotionally well to be able to teach effectively to help students, to review the district’s financials and maybe add ideas that can add improvements within the district, and to work hard for everyone by listening, respecting, and building relationships showing I care about our people, our school, and our community. I feel I will add balance to what we have already and can add ideas to help to continue to build and improve our future. Once I review things and work within them, I am good at thinking outside the box and implementing plans that can make things easier.
What experiences or skills do you have that have prepared you for the school board?
I have worked in the field of education for 14 years and with finances for 15 years. I grew up in a rural school setting graduating with 17 in my class, so I understand the atmosphere of Wakefield. I went to college at Butler County to play college softball and understand how your future in education starts in the beginning, and even in sports. I went to Kansas Wesleyan University to become an English teacher, so I have education that gives me a foundation in this field. I changed my degree at KWU because I needed to continue to receive my softball scholarship and I couldn’t play softball and do my teaching blocks at the same time. The schedule wouldn’t work. I changed to Criminal Justice and Psychology with Social Service, which gives me all the areas of education needed to know and understand how to work with people of all ages and people in education of all ages. I worked for Swenson, Uri, Brewer, and Long Law offices for four years after graduating and learned how laws and regulations work. I then worked at Early Head Start for 6 years learning how to work with the State of Kansas , along with serving families and children in education. I did home visits for 6 years in 4 surrounding counties teaching curriculum with parents and kids and making sure the kids were also healthy, well, and was developmentally on target for their ages. I worked at Union State Bank for 9 years learning about finances and working with the customers/community helping with their banking needs. I then went to work at the CCCMS learning and working all the duties of the financial person and also working with the district office on anything financially and/or with families. I wanted to get back in education myself, so I applied and received a job offer at Kansas State University in 2017 and have been working there ever since. I work with students who are going to be future teachers in the College of Education under Dr. Todd Goodson, Associate Dean and I work for Dr. Eileen Wertzberger, Director of Field Experiences, placing all students in their practicums from the time they come into the college as a freshman until the time they graduate. I also work with the Department of Student Success in the College of Education for licensure of each future teacher. I work with school districts all throughout the State of Kansas and all across the states, as well as international, facilitating the memorandum of agreement (MOU) negotiation process with them. I work with KSU attorneys in this process to change and finalize this agreement. I work with professors and instructors on classes and curriculum for the students to take and develop the line schedule for all students to enroll. I work for Eileen Wertzberger to ensure that all field experiences follow the Kansas State Department of Education guidelines. I work closely with the Dr. Goodson and Dr. Wertzberger, on all aspects of the job. I work in education every day doing all the things that will come up within the atmosphere of the school board. I need to know what the State of Kansas will or won’t allow with our future educators within their placements. I have worked with budgets, grants, bidding, balancing, accreditation, and most of all, students who are becoming future teachers. I have also achieved my master’s degree in curriculum and instruction and working on my doctorate. I know what state standards are and how they work within the curriculum and through the State of Kansas. I believe each job has helped me to be prepared for the school board position, but my occupation and my education helps me to understand it.
What school district/community activities/organizations have you been involved with?
My husband, Cody Schwartz, and I have four boys. Two in which have graduated from USD 379 and two who are currently in the 5th and 3rd grades. We have consistently been involved in each school donating our time in different activities. I have served on the Site Council at Lincoln Elementary for the past 5 years, been an active member of PEP for over 10 years, and my husband and I are both active in the AG Day that Lincoln Elementary puts on. I recently set on the parent/community committee to help set goals for the USD 379 accreditation process. In the past, I have also served as Junior/Senior Prom Sponsor and on Orange and Black Pack for two years.
What makes you different from other candidates?
What makes me different or sets me apart from other candidates is when you read my experiences or skills that have prepared me to serve on the school board, I am the only one that works in education, has a master’s in curriculum and instruction, receiving a doctorate in curriculum and instruction, and currently sees, experiences, and understands what students, teachers, administration, and school districts are currently going through on a daily basis in the field of education.
What is the best way to address differences of opinions on the board, or differences of opinion between the board and administration?
The best way to address differences of opinions on the board, or differences of opinions between board and administration is to truly listen to people when they speak and hear what they are saying. Take your experiences and use them to find a solution for everyone to agree to disagree and come up with a plan of action that all can live with that still constitutes achievement in an upward direction. We have to all be good people and we must communicate our differences in positive ways. At the end of the day, we are making huge decisions that impact our kids, our students, our teachers, parents, and communities, and as good people, we need to support the district in a way that makes us be the best we can be, two communities as one district.
How can a board of education best communicate with its constituents?
A board of education best communicates the same way a single person communicates, by talking and listening with one another. The board could also hold town forums or town meetings at different locations to discuss how things are going, new ideas, things that need to be changed, or anything that may require that the community needs to know and understand about a specific situation. This can set the atmosphere up for everyone to hear options or ideas from the community and to come up with a plan of action that everyone feels okay about.
What is your vision for education in this community?
My vision for education in this community is to continue to monitor things that are working well and implement new ideas on things that need to improve. We need to make ourselves valuable for families to want to come to this district and for the students and teachers to be excited to be here. I would love for USD 379 to continue to be known as an amazing school district for the positive relationships the administration, the faculty and staff, the parents, and the community all share. A good school district has to be strong in all it’s parts, but a great school district is good in all it’s parts, but also sees their weaknesses and learns how to make them stronger. We always need to work together to keep our eyes open and learn to look for what cannot see.
What are your areas of concern regarding student achievement in this district?
My concern would be to not just focus on how many students are average to above average when testing. I know test scores are something that is always brought up but I feel that a student can only test as good as they were made to be and as good as they can with the knowledge they have. As long as each student and teacher are always growing, are socially and emotionally healthy, and showing improvements in all areas, then our teachers and students need to know that they are are working together and doing a good job. We cannot cancel out student success based on where they fall on the grid because student and teacher success is also about building relationships, making strides, and improving not only their test scores or their grades, but also who they are growing to be as young adults.
Deborah Brown

Why are you running for the school board?
Being a part of our community’s team to help mold our future generations has been a privilege these last 4 years. I feel like it takes some time to get a handle on what the role entails and how a singular member can operate as a part of the team. I would like to keep moving forward to help make EVERY building in USD 379 the BEST place for our students to learn and prepare for a productive future.
If elected to the school board, what will be your priorities?
To progressively continue to create a safe and productive learning environment for our students to become their best selves while in our care. 2. To enable our teachers and staff with the tools they need to create optimal learning experiences for our students. Also providing beyond the classroom needs such as salary and support. 3. To LISTEN to the community who elected me and give them feedback.
Is there a particular issue that motivates you to serve on the school board?
In 2004 I came to Wakefield for the first time. I fell in love with the community (and my husband) and stayed. I have learned that at the heart of our community is our school. We are a transient community. A lot of military choose Wakefield because of our school and small classroom sizes, where their children can receive a little extra attention if needed. It gives the soldier some peace of mind that, when deployed or in the field, their spouse is able to easily attend all events and day to day activities of their children – in one building, in the town they live in. As a veteran I am in a unique position to recognize this specific need in our district. Keeping Wakefield fully open as a K-12 school is a huge motivation for my running.
What experiences or skills do you have that have prepared you for the school board?
I could list a lot of things, but the meaningful one is being an involved parent, invested in my children’s lives. Actively involved in their education. Listening to what is going on in their classrooms, good and bad. Bottom line, that is what we are here for…the student.
What school district/community activities/organizations have you been involved with?
I am an active member of Wakefield Baptist Fellowship and serve teaching the 1st-5th grade Sunday School Class, as well as a Wednesday night Youth Group Leader. -I am actively involved in the Wakefield Birthday Bash planning. -Served as Mayor of Wakefield as well as City Council and President of the City Council. -Served as a member of Wakefield School Site Council for years leading up to first School Board election. -I have participated as a parent in our City/County 4H program and City/County soccer league which has given me the opportunity to get to know students in all of our district’s buildings as well as teachers. -I was the secretary for WRA (Wakefield Recreation Association). -Served on the Clay County Park Board. -Served on the Wakefield Cemetery Board. -I have played in the County Church softball league (back in the day), as well as the Wakefield Women’s softball team.
What makes you different from other candidates?
I am currently on the School Board, with a working knowledge of all that has transpired in the last 4 years not just at our district level, but am able to review much of what is going on at the state level as well. Though I know one of the other candidates is also, I am a combat veteran. With so many families in our district that are active duty or veterans, it gives me a unique perspective into the challenges they face.
What is the best way to address differences of opinions on the board, or differences of opinion between the board and administration?
Communication. Communication. Communication. Listening, Regurgitating (this is what I heard, is this what you meant?), Responding. As we go through these steps we can often make adjustments based on others expertise or thoughts to come to a good conclusion.
How can a board of education best communicate with its constituents?
1. Directly. Have conversations individually, not only with a particular group of friends, but a wide variety of constituents (to include students, staff members and teachers). I even seek out and ask questions of those that I know disagree with me to hear their perspective and the why behind their view. Be approachable. 2. I think having our meetings accessible online now has made a difference. Meeting minutes are great, but sometimes things get lost in translation. 3. The newspaper columns that the district is putting out. 4. I would like to see something put into place where discussions could be held between the board and the community. Not just one way conversations. Maybe a bi-yearly town hall in a rotation between the communities?
What is your vision for education in this community?
I am going to quote our district vision statement because it is mine as well: “Each student is prepared for post-secondary opportunities, career and life.” No matter what that looks like for each of them – further education, military, or job force. I want our district reputation to be that we put out great leaders, super workers, amazing humans.
What are your areas of concern regarding student achievement in this district?
I recently attended a short budget seminar conducted by a couple of state school board representatives. One thing that stood out to me was an emphasis on reading. How it affects every single area of education and how it should be one of our top priorities when it comes to creating our budget. Not only focusing on scores as a district, but in each building/classroom. Giving teachers tools to succeed in this area even with further education if needed. Our goal should not be that our district is meeting the average for the state, but setting the highest bar in the state. I think it would have an impact on scores in other areas as well. Not that scores are everything, but they are a useful tool to help use gauge our needs. I also think that some reduction of technology in the classroom would be beneficial. I realize that we learned it is helpful in the Covid environment and ongoing challenges, but I don’t think that screen time in classrooms should be our main source of learning.
David Jermark
Why are you running for the school board?

Instilling honest integrity in education, community transparency and ensuring our students and employees have the skills to succeed in life. We need to lead by example as our children’s future is extremely important.
If elected to the school board, what will be your priorities?
Listening to our constituents! Increased board communication with our district patrons; retention of quality employees and reversing the serious decline in our children’s core learning skills.
Is there a particular issue that motivates you to serve on the school board?
Past board decisions concerning the destruction of historic Otto Unruh Stadium; board discussion of closing Wakefield school without community-wide district input and improving students’ achievement in core subjects.
What experiences or skills do you have that have prepared you for the school board?
Professional leadership training in our military; civilian employment in federal/state positions; service in public elected positions; volunteerism in our community and customer service in the telecommunications career field. Being a loving parent/grandparent has taught invaluable skills that when mistakes are made, take responsibility and drive on. Motivating others to do the best they can be. Respecting others’ opinions, communication is vital.
What school district/community activities/organizations have you been involved with?
In the past, my wife and I served as USD 379 sponsors for our children’s activities. Assisting with American Legion/VFW ceremonies at football games and other community events. Currently serve on the board of lay ministry for St. Paul Lutheran Church. Mayor and councilmember for the City of Green. Volunteered for community wide activities for many years. Served as a Beloit Township Trustee and a member of the Beloit Planning Commission.
What makes you different from other candidates?
A genuine compassion and concern for our children’s future. Our nation will never be destroyed from the outside, but if we falter and lose our democratic freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves. Listening to our community’s concerns and common-sense fiscal approach with our taxpayers in mind.
What is the best way to address differences of opinions on the board, or differences of opinion between the board and administration?
All of us need to maturely rationalize that parents are asserting their constitutional right to control the health and education of their children. Everyone must be free to criticize, question challenge to information and ideas. We can agree to disagree without prejudice and find a workable solution.
How can a board of education best communicate with its constituents?
Citizens must be able to communicate freely, including those that they elect and who govern them. You can include additional layers of communication in board policy to notify district patrons of major decisions besides the bare minimum that State law requires. Respectful behavior and attitude are an asset.
What is your vision for education in this community?
I believe the BASIC responsibility of a public school system is to incorporate a curriculum that is open to the public, answers to the parents of the children, and exists to educate students towards a rewarding career. Promoting integrity in education on all levels demonstrates positive learning skills for our children to look up to. We can approach this goal with a can-do attitude on all levels.
What are your areas of concern regarding student achievement in this district?
Community engagement serves as a wakeup call to our public schools to focus on proven scientific research-based methods of improving student achievement in the core subjects so that they can prepare all students for higher education and a successful life. Individualized planning for each student and focusing on chronic absenteeism are extremely important.
Paige Taddiken

Why are you running for the school board?
We all find ways to serve this great community. I am running for re-election because of the importance this board serves in overseeing the business of the school district. I am passionate about serving and supporting the students, teachers and staff that make up our schools and advocating for our public schools in our community. A growing, thriving school district plays a key, integral role in supporting the community at large by not only providing education to the young people but jobs to the community. My husband, Russ and I chose to return to the community in which we were raised to raise our own family. I find great pride investing back into the community that invested so much into me.
If elected to the school board, what will be your priorities?
In the past year, the school board looked to better and improve our schools through realigning our district goals and outcomes with the input of our community focus group. The community’s input allowed us to produce an updated strategic plan with a revised mission and vision. With the work of our community focus groups, priorities for the district were discussed and the input was ranked based upon the input of community members, teachers, parents, and administrators. From that, four outcomes were prioritized for our students and school board. 1. To increase communication and collaboration with all stakeholders to strengthen relationships. 2. Support a culture that challenges each student to thrive socially and academically to be prepared for life. 3. Promote a culture that values the retention and recruitment of our high-quality staff. 4. Provide a safe and secure school community with modern facilities and resources. If re-elected to continue to serve our community, I would continue to prioritize the work set before the board from this strategic plan and to work together with the board, administrators, and buildings to implement and monitor the achievement of our goals for the district.
Is there a particular issue that motivates you to serve on the school board?
Our school district is the largest employer in the county. Approximately ¾ of our school district’s budget goes towards salaries and benefits for our more than 350 teachers, paras, aides, bus drivers, custodians, substitutes, secretaries and administrators. USD 379 has an incredible staff that supports and cares for our students on a daily basis. In the past 4 years while I have served on the board, we were able to give an almost 15% increase to the salaries of our certified staff. Our certified staff play such an important role in keeping our buildings operating for our students. Through careful budgeting and planning, we were also able to give our classified staff an almost 15% increase last year and another 14% this budget year. These increases to support our staff and their families were done through excellent stewardship of our resources and your tax dollars. The fiscal responsibility of the district does not fall lightly on my mind. It is also my role as a local school board member to advocate to the state legislature for policies and laws that keep our rural schools operating. These decisions in Topeka directly affect our schools budgets and policies. I take very seriously the role I play in keeping communication open with our state representatives and senators. The votes they make directly impact our schools. I hope to continue to foster these relationships so our local school boards input and voice can be heard in Topeka.
What experiences or skills do you have that have prepared you for the school board?
I have the unique perspective of not only being a graduate of USD 379 but also being an active parent to 3 children currently enrolled in our schools. I also have the experience of previously teaching before transitioning to caring for our children when they were young and now, I manage our farms accounting and payroll. Being a land, property and home owner in our school district also brings home how I am spending our precious tax dollars. I have taken an active role in continuing to learn about the school boards role by taking state trainings and conferences sponsored by the Kansas State School Board Association as well as recently joining our districts negotiations team. My past term of service on the board has given me invaluable, first hand experience in handling constituent concerns, in depth knowledge of the budget process, and networking within the Kansas Association of School Boards.
What school district/community activities/organizations have you been involved with?
We all find ways we can serve our community and I am no different. I take great responsibility in giving back to so many who invested in me when I was young. I am an active volunteer for Meadowlark Hospice. I am a meal delivery volunteer for our community Friendship meals. I participate in our hospital’s blood drive every 8 weeks. I am an active volunteer for 4-H and the club leader for my children’s 4-H club. In the summer, I participate in our community’s city band. I help with our children’s sporting events and am an active member of our church family. I have taken an active role while serving on the school board by attending many KASB conferences and trainings, joining our district’s negotiations team, and attending many district events as the board representative. As a parent and community member, I take an active role in my children’s education, am a sponsor of the Orange and Black Pack and also attend district music and athletic events.
What makes you different from other candidates?
I am a proud member of this community and proudly send my children to school at USD 379. Currently, I have children at Lincoln Elementary, Garfield Elementary and Clay Center Community Middle School. I attended school in USD 379 at Morganville Elementary, CCCMS and am a graduate of CCCHS. I went on to complete my Bachelors degree at Kansas State in Secondary Education and also obtained a masters in Educational Leadership from K-State. My husband and I are 5th generation Clay County farmers and are active members of our community in which we have chosen to raise our family.
What is the best way to address differences of opinions on the board, or differences of opinion between the board and administration?
The board sought a broad range of input from our community focus group of more than 100 people to take steps to build priorities for the district with the strategic plan. Seeking input allows us to make better decisions for our students and our district. This past month, we had an issue that directly impacted a constituent. I made sure to find their phone number, contact them to discuss the matter and make sure I had their input before proceeding with the board vote. Differences of opinions are important and the board table is where we should gather input and discuss potential ideas. I believe strongly in following the chain of command and allowing building level decisions to be trusted with our administrators and teachers. The board’s role within the community is to supervise the superintendent, create broader goals and policies and then evaluate that person on their job executing the district’s plans and goals.
How can a board of education best communicate with its constituents?
This is a difficult area and one the board is still working to improve. Our first goal of our strategic plan is to increase effective communication with stakeholders. Our meeting dates and times are posted well in advance as well as an agenda with business items are posted the Friday before each meeting. Most all meetings begin after work at 6pm to allow for the public to attend. Since joining the board, we have also added the ability for the public to watch our meetings online. We continue to look for ways to communicate accurately and effectively to our constituents. I always encourage people to contact me for accurate, public information
What is your vision for education in this community?
The board has spent a great deal of time this past year listening to our community focus groups in drawing feedback as to what the goals of our schools should be. We heard from a great diverse group of parents, teachers, and community members. They shared a broad range of needs and ideas, including desperately needing childcare for working families to goals of our graduates of USD 379. We took all the information and completed updated outcomes for our district that included goals such as continuing to develop community partnerships to create career explorations for students such as real world experiences, increasing compensation and retention of all staff, and creating and maintaining safe, modern facilities in a collaborative learning environment.
What are your areas of concern regarding student achievement in this district?
With the goals and input in mind from the community focus group, the goal of the board will be to execute the directives in which we will provide career exploration for each students individual plan of study, identify necessary early interventions for academic and behavior, collaborate with the community, partnerships and post secondary opportunities for individual student success, and create real world experiences and learning for all students. All of these specific steps are actions the board has taken to ensure our students are productive citizens who contribute to their communities in which they reside. Our students and staff are working hard to achieve and have proven this with our recent standard of full accreditation of our district from the State Board of Education. In order to be a fully accredited district, our district must provide documentation of increased student achievement and outcomes! Our community should be proud of their students and staff that make up our great district.