Wakefield Officials Meet To Discuss Housing, Childcare, Transportation Needs

By Quinn O’Hara

On February 13, several members of Wakefield’s Quality of Life Committees met at the Bomber Grind Cafe to discuss and finalize their respective surveys. The three committees were organized to tackle the issues of Childcare, Transportation, and Housing within Wakefield.

Wakefield’s Mayor, Leza Chryssovergis, said these surveys will help gather vital data for the small town.

The surveys addressing Wakefield’s need for Childcare and Housing have been published since the meeting took place, and Mayor Chryssovergis says the City needs the input of as many people as possible.

The two surveys will run until March 31st. The Childcare and Housing Committees will then hold a public meeting with the Wakefield City Council in mid-April to discuss the results and possible steps forward. Links to the surveys are listed below.

Housing: https://forms.gle/r2ECaziN5qFdcFBF6

Childcare: https://forms.gle/eD5cEgTTv4189hWc

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