Different Topics Discussed During Clay Center City Council’s Regular Meeting

By: Ryan Duey

Topics discussed during the Clay Center City Council’s regular meeting last week included: a letter of resignation, Zoning, Fall Cleanup, Parking and UTV/Golf Cart use, and more.

Councilor Mike Peerson provided the Mayor with a letter of resignation effective on October 3rd.  The resignation is due to Peerson moving out of Ward 1. Peerson expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to serve the community.

Motion was made to re-zone the property of 501 W. Crawford from R-3 to C-2.  Passing unanimously.

Councilor Phil Kasper reported that he had received bids from Hoidale Co. Inc. for a new pump and installation for the failed Airport Fuel System, as well as a bid from Advanced Electric, LLC for the electrical work that will be needed along with the installation. The Council made a motion to approve both bids, passing unanimously.

Councilor Mike Schultze reported to the Council that the committee met regarding handicapped parking at the Mark A. Chapman Activity Complex, and USD 379 is researching alternatives.  The committee also spoke on allowing UTVs and Golf carts on city roads. This is currently being researched and an Ordinance for consideration will come at a future meeting.

Councilor Daton Hess reported to the Council that the City Wide Fall Cleanup will begin on October 15th.  The cleanup will start on the north end of town, moving south.  The crew will only make one pass-through, so items need to be out in a timely manner.  Hess also stated the 2025 CCLIP project bid will be opening on November 5th.

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