Topeka, Kan. — Governor Laura Kelly has signed House Substitute for Senate Bill 91, which provides liability protection for businesses, municipalities, and educational institutions participating in high school work-based learning programs. The bill creates some civil liability protections for businesses and students if a student is injured while participating in a high school work-based learning program.
“Hands-on, work-based learning programs are an important component to strengthening the Kansas workforce,” Governor Laura Kelly said. “By providing some liability protection for our students and businesses involved, we open the door for additional community involvement and more opportunity for students to gain the skills needed to step out of the classroom and into the workforce.”
“The Governor’s Council on Education applauds Governor Kelly and the Kansas Legislature for recognizing the importance of work-based learning to develop, recruit, and retain talented students in Kansas,” Dr. Cynthia Lane and Dr. Fred Dierksen, Co-Chairs of the Governor’s Council on Education said. “Senate Bill 91 is a great example of business and education working together to drive our economy with the highest skilled and educated workforce. This bill is a testament to the years-long effort by our members to pass legislation that will allow more students to prepare for their future careers.”
More information on H sub for SB 91 can be found here.
Governor Kelly has also signed the bills listed below:
HB 2456
Establishes the Kansas kids lifetime combination hunting and fishing license.
HB 2476
Provides for the Silver Star medal, Bronze Star medal, City of Hutchinson, and Daughters of the American Revolution distinctive license plates, and four distinctive license plates for the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks. It also authorizes the printing of the international symbol of access for disabled veteran distinctive license plates and parking privileges for certain physically disabled veterans and allows veteran distinctive license plate applicants to provide a DD214 form, DD form 2 (Retired) or a Kansas veteran driver’s license as proof of veteran status.
HB 2478
Designates a portion of United States highway 166 as the SGT Evan S Parker Memorial Highway, a portion of U.S. highway 56 as the PFC Shane Austin Memorial Highway, a portion of United States highway 69 as the Senator Tom R Van Sickle Memorial Highway, a certain bridge on K-126 as the Dennis Crain Memorial Bridge, a portion of United States highway 69 as the AMM2c Walter Scott Brown Memorial Highway and bridges on K-66 highway as Veterans Memorial Bridge.
HB 2489
Amends provisions of the technology-enabled fiduciary financial institutions act relating to out-of-state financial institutions, banks and trust companies conducting fiduciary financial transactions, fees and assessments, examinations, disclosures to consumers and requires such institutions to be mandatory reporters for purposes of elder abuse.