Items Discussed During Clay County Commissioners Weekly Meeting on February 3rd

Topics discussed during the Clay County Commissioners’ weekly meeting on February 3rd included: Clay County Medical Center, bridge replacement, EMT class, staffing, annual meeting and trainings, transient guest tax, and more.

Austin Gillard, CCMC CEO, stated that the expansion construction at the Medical Center is going well though the bad weather last month has put the project behind approximately a week. He also reported that Dr. Wurtz, OB, started at CCMC in January and will also be working at the Linn Clinic twice a week. In July they will start interviews for a construction manager for the expansion of the Riley Clinic.

Bobby Shomper, Highway Administrator, presented a quote from The Railroad Yard on tank cars that they have available. A motion was made to purchase the four tank cars, passing unanimously. Shomper discussed bridge replacements also. After discussion, Commissioners decided to use two tank cars for the replacement of the bridge at 20th and Cherokee Road. A motion was then made to sign a contract with Husker Steel for the replacement of the bridge on 3rd Road between Meridian and Buffalo, passing unanimously.

Alec Trembath, EMS Director, stated that they are planning to have an EMT class in August and have had several inquiries about this training. He also reported that the Department held a Captains’ meeting on Friday and discussed several changes for the EMS Department. Mr. Trembath also reported that he would be attending a meeting in Miltonvale to discuss the issues of staffing a volunteer EMS Service. Commissioners then stated that this issue needs to be researched in depth before a decision will be made.

Pam Kemp, Emergency Manager, reported that Homeland Security had to cancel their annual meeting when the President placed a freeze on grant dollars. Ms. Kemp also provided information on a training on Risk Based Response to Battery Emergencies to be held in Minneapolis.

The Board signed a contract between Pawnee Mental Health and Clay County for the year. Pawnee Mental Health agrees to provide services required of a licensed community mental health center to the residents of Clay County.

The Board also signed an amended 2025 Wage Scale for Clay County.

Dana Rickley, County Health Director, reported that all staff at the Health Department have completed an online training on shelters. She also stated that she has been working on a Drug Free Community Grant.

Alan Benninga, Sheriff, reported to the Board that the Department has been busy. Commissioners asked if the Rescue Truck in Wakefield is stocked with the equipment that is needed or if they need to update any of the equipment. Benninga stated that there is a battery-operated metal cutter that should be updated. The Board instructed Benninga to get a price on a battery-operated cutter for the Rescue Truck.

Natalie Muruato, Grow Clay County Director, asked the Board for a copy of the proof of publication for the Charter Resolution that was published concerning the increase of the Transient Guest Bed Tax, which will be provided to her. The Board asked Muruato to let them know if she becomes aware of any businesses throughout the County that would need a small grant to assist with a project. Muruato also asked the Board if they had decided on how to use the ROZ marketing funds that the County had been awarded. The Board stated that they did not feel that they should add additional people to the waiting list for the ROZ program, there are already several individuals waiting to participate. Ms. Muruato then reported that the City of Morganville was awarded a Seed Grant for $21,500, which will be used for a new park and playground equipment.

Christine Swaim, County Treasurer, discussed the possibility of hiring Klenda Austerman Attorneys at Law out of Wichita to handle the delinquent Real Estate parcels in Clay County. She stated that they will complete the current tax sale that has been in the process for over 4 years and will then do one every year to get caught up. The Board asked Swaim to get a cost for the attorneys.

Don Wright and Jay Berends, Clay County Public Transportation, and Steve Birkbeck, Board Member, met with the Board to discuss renting the former River Valley Extension Office building. Danny Mesalles, County Appraiser, joined the meeting. After much discussion, the Board offered that Public Transportation pays the expenses for the building, such as utilities, gas, and small maintenance projects, and they would not charge them any rent. The Board asked them to go tour the building, and to report back to them if they were interested.

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