Visit Manhattan Gives Awards to Hospitality Businesses in Manhattan

By Payton Tholstrup

Visit Manhattan recently awarded several hospitality businesses in Manhattan, KS awards for their achievements. There were four categories: Attraction of the Year, Restaurant of the Year, Retail of the Year, and Lodging of the Year.

Each hospitality business was nominated by their peers. Then, winners were chosen by a group from the K-State Hospitality Department and non-hospitality business leaders.

During the event, each business called one of its employees to stand in front of everyone in attendance so they could be awarded as “employee of the year.” Each employee of the year was honored for their hard work and dedication.

The hospitality businesses that won are listed below.

· Attraction of The Year – Sunset Zoo

· Restaurant of The Year – Labco

· Retail of the Year – Manhattan Running Company

· Lodging of the Year – Fairfield Inn

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