Category: Featured

LIFT Launches to Empower Young Professionals and Grow Clay County
By: Elexis Bates After brainstorming, planning and organizing, a new Clay Center organization for young professionals has launched under the name LIFT. After securing the

Revolutionizing Farming: How AI-Powered Drones Are Transforming JTAC Farms
By: Ryan Duey A few years back Tyler Tobald of JTAC Farms near Glasco was introduced to a new technology company for his farm by

Local Citizen Looks to Inspire Others to Donate Their Hair For Those in Need
By: Ryan Duey Clay Center resident Natosha Hevelone has been donating her hair to help those facing chemotherapy or suffering from alopecia since an early

Local Organization Empowers Community Through Canine Assistance
A family-owned business in Concordia, KS is making a lasting impact on rural communities, training service dogs for people with disabilities. At CARES (Canine Assistance

Clay Center Zoo Staff Take Steps to Ensure All Animals are Comfortable Through the Cold, Winter Months
By: Ryan Duey During the winter the staff at the Clay Center Zoo take extra steps to make sure each animal in their care is

Reasoning Behind State and Local Disaster Declarations During Emergency Situations
By: Ryan Duey During the Clay County Commissioner’s Board meeting on January 7th Pam Kemp, Emergency Management Director, presented an official Declaration of a State

Cindy Whittington Takes over as H.O.P.E. Center of Dickinson County Director
By: Ryan Duey Cindy Whittington has taken over the Director role at the H.O.P.E. Center of Dickinson County, following Terresa Kohman’s retirement last month. The

25 Years of Dedication to Patients: Thank You, Laurie Johnson
Haley Jones, Memorial Health System In a time where longevity in the workplace is rare, Laurie Johnson stands as a shining example of commitment and

Clay Center Presbyterian Manor Launches Annual Angel Tree Campaign
By: Ryan Duey Clay Center Presbyterian Manor has announced the launch of its annual “Angel Tree Campaign.” This yearly holiday fundraiser helps raise money for

Nathan Edson Chapter DAR to Hold Annual Wreath Laying Ceremony in Greenwood Cemetery on December 14th
By: Ryan Duey Every year Wreaths Across America (WAA) in Kansas looks to local sponsorship groups to help lay wreaths to honor veterans in their