Category: Featured

Voters Kept Abortion Legal in Kansas, but Clinics Can’t Keep Up
Wichita, KS — Abortion remains legal, if tightly restricted, in Kansas. That doesn’t mean it’s easy to get an appointment. On the sidewalk outside the

Kansas Recounted 550,000 Ballots After the Abortion Amendment Lost. Only About 60 Votes Changed
The Kansas secretary of state’s office said a recount of the abortion amendment vote in nine counties only changed about 60 votes. The final numbers

Check Your Credit: Program Helps Protect Consumers Against Identity Theft
By Pat Melgares, K-State Research and Extension news service Manhattan, KS– The U.S. Federal Trade Commission recently found that 1 in 5 Americans have

Governor Laura Kelly Tours Future Child Mental Health Hospital in Hays
Hays, KS– Governor Laura Kelly joined KVC Hospitals leadership for a tour of KVC’s future children’s psychiatric hospital site in Hays to highlight the importance

Kansas Schools to Parents: You can Keep Tabs on what your Kids Check out from our Libraries
Wichita, Kan. — The American Library Association takes a hard line on privacy. Even kids, it contends, ought to be able to check out a

Kansas Kicks Off Sports Betting Sept. 1, a Week before the NFL Season
Kansas — People in Kansas can start legally betting on sports Sept. 1, with gambling beginning in time for the start of football season. Democratic

KCC Approves Settlement with Kansas Gas Service of Winter Storm Costs
Topeka, Kan. — The Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC) has approved a settlement agreement and financing order giving Kansas Gas Service (KGS) authorization to issue securitized

$2 Million Federal Grant Helps K-State Efforts to Expand Digital Manufacturing Outreach Programs Across Region
Manhattan, Kan. — Kansas State University’s Technology Development Institute will use a $2 million Economic Adjustment Assistance grant from the U.S. Department of Commerce Economic

Missing Kansas Kids
KCLY and KFRM are partnering with neighboring communities to share information about missing Kansas kids. We have personally seen how a simple share can make