Category: Featured

Clay Center Elks Lodge Donates Free CCGPT Rides to Lighthouse For Christ
By: Ryan Duey Every Thursday night the Clay Center Elks Lodge No. 2253 holds a Burger Basket Night Fundraiser to help support a local community

USD 333 Concordia Education Fund Looks to Gift Health and Happiness to Students and the Community
By: Ryan Duey The USD 333 Concordia Education Fund aims to give students and the entire community a gift of health and happiness with a

Colby Barber Memorial Run Honors Stunt-Loving Outdoorsman, Farmer
On Saturday, September 14th the fifth annual Colby Barber Memorial Run will take place around the community. Motorcycle riders will spend the day traveling between

Topics from the Clay County Commissioners Weekly Board Meeting on September 9th
By: Ryan Duey Topics discussed at the Clay County Commissioners’ regular board meeting on September 9th included: road work, school trainings, abatements, pet sheltering class,

Amateur Radio Enthusiast Hosts Clay Co. Public Service Scanner Feed
Eating his nightly pie – this time, chocolate – Clay Center resident Jimmie Nichols settled in to talk about his scanner feed. In May of

Application Deadline Drawing Near for Septic System Replacement Grant Program
By: Ryan Duey The application deadline for the area septic system grant is Sunday, September 15th. Certain residents in Clay, Cloud, Marshall, Republic, and Washington

Gather for Good Match Day Less than Two Weeks Away
By: Ryan Duey The Clay Center Community Improvement Foundation’s (CCCIF) 7th annual Gather for Good Match Day is drawing near. On Thursday, September 19th patrons

Weekly Clay County Commissioners Meeting Held on September 3rd
By: Ryan Duey Topics discussed during the Clay County Commissioners’ weekly regular meeting include: asphalt bids, attending trainings, a Broadband grant, building permits, and more.

Schools That Care Provides Support and Resources to the USD #498 Community
By: Ryan Duey Schools That Care (STC) of Valley Heights USD #498 is a non-profit organization that assists students, families, and community members in the

Inside View: A Look at the Century-Old Courthouse Clock Tower
Deep inside the Courthouse Square, past hundreds of limestone rocks, two stories of offices and a locked wooden door, lies the staircase to a tower.