Category: Infastructure

Application Deadline Drawing Near for Septic System Replacement Grant Program
By: Ryan Duey The application deadline for the area septic system grant is Sunday, September 15th. Certain residents in Clay, Cloud, Marshall, Republic, and Washington

Temporary Parking Changes at Clay County Medical Center
CCMC Release Starting mid-September, a portion of the main parking area at Clay CountyMedical Center (CCMC) will be unavailable through the end of the year.

Water Valve Replacement in Junction City Set for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
By: Ryan Duey Junction City Public Works has announced that some customers may experience little to no water from 8 am to 5 pm on

Load rating set for J-Hill Road bridge in Geary County
KDOT Release The Kansas Department of Transportation has set a load rating of 15 tons for a single-axle, 20 tons for a double-axle and 30

Culvert work to begin tomorrow on K-15 in Clay County
KDOT Release Beginning tomorrow, Thursday, Aug. 15, the Kansas Department of Transportation will begin a project to install a new culvert pipe under K-15, about

McDowell Creek bridge project to begin in Geary County
KDOT Release On Monday, September 9, the Kansas Department of Transportation plans to begin work to replace the McDowell Creek bridge over I-70 in Geary

Belleville New Water Treatment Plant Provides Safe Nitrate Levels to Citizens
By: Ryan Duey After years of concern over high nitrate levels in Belleville’s drinking water, the city’s new water treatment plant is operational. After more

Survey Work and Utility Marking Begins in Keats This Month
Riley County Press Release Residents in the Keats area will begin seeing workers marking utilities and taking topographical survey information this month as part of

Residents in Area Counties living Outside of City Limits Can Fill out an Application to Help Replace Failing Septic Systems
By: Ryan Duey Certain residents in Clay, Cloud, Marshall, Republic, and Washington Counties have the opportunity to fill out an application for a grant to

Riley County Receives Grant to Assist Residents with Sewer Repairs
By: Ryan Duey Riley County residents needing sewage system repairs but are unable to afford them can receive aid through a $50,000 grant from the