Category: Lifestyle

American Legion Post 101 Donates 500 Anti-Bullying Comic Books to Clay Center Police Department
By: Ryan Duey The Clay Center American Legion Post 101 recently donated 500 anti-bullying comic books to the Clay Center Police Department. These comic books

Republican Valley Ringnecks Annual Youth Hunt Gets Kids Outdoors
By: Ryan Duey The Republican Valley Ringnecks Pheasants Forever Chapter of Clay County is set to host its annual Youth Pheasant Hunt on Sunday, November

Abilene Core Community Graduates 11 and is Looking Forward to Next Session of Classes
By: Ryan Duey Abilene Core Community graduated its first group of leaders on October 21st at the First United Methodist Church in Abilene. 11 participants

Lutheran Laymen’s League to Hold Convocation at Washington High School, with Guest Speaker
By: Ryan Duey On Sunday, November 10th the Lutheran Laymen’s League and Lutheran Hour Ministries of Kansas will hold a Convocation Service at the Washington

All are Welcome to Republic County Czech Club’s Annual Fall Festival
By: Ryan Duey The Republic County Czech Club will hold its annual Fall Festival on Sunday, October 27th. This event is free to the public

Clay Counts Coalition’s next Courageous Conversations Night on November 6th will Tackle Addictions
By: Ryan Duey The Clay Counts Coalition will host its next “Courageous Conversations” event on Wednesday, November 6th, at 7:00 p.m. in the Clay Center

Concordia Lutheran Church Foundation Contributes to CES and CMS
Concordia USD 333 With colder weather approaching, a donation from the Concordia Lutheran Church Foundation to Concordia Elementary School and Concordia Middle School will help

Topics Discussed During Clay Counts Coalition’s Monthly Meeting
By: Ryan Duey Topics discussed during the Clay Counts Coalition monthly meeting on October 16th included: Community Garden, Immunizations, Bully Prevention, Drug Take Back, Courageous Conversation

Second Public Hearing Held after Dickinson County Residents aired Concern on a Potential Wind Farm in the County
By: Ryan Duey After a previous five-hour public hearing, Dickinson County residents sat for Round 2 of potential wind farm talks in Southeast Dickinson County.

Lutheran Laymen’s League and Lutheran Hours Ministries to Hold Special Convocation in Washington
By: Ryan Duey On Sunday, November 10th the Lutheran Laymen’s League and Lutheran Hour Ministries of Kansas will hold a Convocation Service at the Washington