Category: Public Announcement

12th Judicial District Nominating Commission Seeks Nominees for District Judge Vacancy
Lisa Taylor, Kansas Judicial Branch The 12th Judicial District Nominating Commission is seeking nominations to fill a district judge vacancy in Cloud County. This vacancy

Clay Center Presbyterian Manor Launches Annual Angel Tree Campaign
By: Ryan Duey Clay Center Presbyterian Manor has announced the launch of its annual “Angel Tree Campaign.” This yearly holiday fundraiser helps raise money for

12th Judicial District Nominating Commission to Meet December 19th
Kansas Judicial Branch The 12th Judicial District Nominating Commission will convene at 4:30 p.m. Thursday, December 19, to discuss the nomination process to fill a

Sunset Zoo Mourns Loss of 20-year-old Amur Leopard, One of the Oldest Leopards in Human Care
Melissa Kirkwood, Sunset Zoo Sunset Zoo is mourning the loss of (Vladamir) Vlad, our male Amur leopard who called Sunset Zoo home for over 11

Home Health & Hospice of Dickinson County Welcomes New Hospice Volunteer Coordinator, Taylor Knauss
By: Haley Jones, Memorial Health System Home Health and Hospice of Dickinson County (HH&H), an affiliate of Memorial Health System (MHS) is proud to announce

FTC: Avoid Holiday Charity Scams — Tips to Give Wisely
By AMY HEBERTFTC Consumer Education Specialist There’s no shortage of good causes to donate to this holiday season. But before you give somewhere new, make

Saline County Sheriff’s Office Seeks Public Help in Locating Drug Suspect
The Saline County Sheriff’s Office is seeking help from the public to locate 56-year-old Ronald E. Clayton, who fled on foot from a residence in

Wagon Wheel Café to Close in December After Decades of Service to Marysville
By: Ryan Duey After devoting the past 35 years to serving Marysville citizens and guests, the Wagon Wheel Café will close its doors in December,

Clay Center’s Alonzo F Dexter American Legion Post 101 Seeking Support and Volunteers
American Legion Post 101 The Clay Center American Legion Post 101 invites the community to join their monthly meetings at 7:00 p.m. every second Tuesday

I-70 in Junction City reopens to unrestricted traffic for winter
KDOT Release I-70 through Junction City is scheduled to reopen to unrestricted winter travel by the end of today, Nov. 22, according to the Kansas