10-Year-Old Golfer Nails Hole-in-One

By Jayson Henderson

Gabe Borgerding, a 10-year-old golfer, scored a hole-in-one on hole six at Concordia’s golf course.

Playing with Junior Golf as part of the boys’ five-hole division, his shot was 87 yards. Borgerding hit the impressive shot with his hybrid club.

After hitting the ball, he said, “Is that a hole in one? It’s either a hole in one or that is gonna go off the green.”

Witnessing this achievement was his brother, who noted Borgerding’s humility, “He said I wasn’t bragging and stuff.”

Borgerding, who practices golf about once a week, was elated by his accomplishment and celebrated with a lunch at Arby’s followed by a large chocolate shake at Sonic.

Though he doesn’t frequently practice, he has big aspirations, aiming to win the club championship just like his father, Dave, did.

Introduced to golf by his family, Gabe loves the sport because,

“You can play it all throughout your life.”

He particularly enjoys hitting the driving range with his driver. While golf is a major part of his life, Borgerding also plays football, soccer, and basketball, and enjoys fishing, ping pong, and video games, with Roblox being his favorite.

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