Business Training Class With Grow Clay County

By Rhys Baker

Grow Clay County is holding two Business Training Events in November. Both courses will teach businesses and individuals how to market their business better. Instructor Renee’ Langvardt says even though the class will talk about social media basics, that won’t be the only conversation about marketing, “We will talk about the psychology behind marketing because there is so much of that. It’s not just making a flyer and doing just that. It takes understanding, like knowing your audience, what demographic you are trying to reach, the overarching purpose of your campaign or your business, and things of that nature.”

The first course, Lunch and Learn, will be held on November 12 at Noon, and The second course, Dinner Dive, will be held on November 14 at 6 p-m. Langvardt says the two courses will be completely different from one another. “The lunch and learn is going to be more basic advertising social media because, unfortunately, some people don’t use social media at all for their marketing, and they’re missing a huge window of opportunity, so it’s going to be a less intensive session, and then the deep dive will get more into the psychology the why we do things the way we do identifying your target market. The biggest investing you can do for your business is to know who you’re trying to reach.”

Langvardt has a degree in marketing and has owned her own business. She is the former managing director of Grow Clay County and currently manages the Rex Theatre. 

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