Caring Connections Provides Caregivers Support Through Shared Experience

By Quinn O’Hara

On March 18 the Caring Connections Caregiver Support Group met for their regular meeting.

The group’s organizer Amy Burr said the group serves as a meeting place for caregivers of any type, from those who care for disabled family members to those who have a career in a caregiving role.

Caring Connections meets on the third Monday of every month for lunch in the education center at Clay County Medical Center and is open to the public.

This month’s meeting included discussions of an attendee’s struggles in caring for a family member suffering from dementia. The group shared resources and advice on how to better adapt and care for the attendee’s relative.

The meeting ended with participants planting butterfly-shaped seed cards in pots. Burr said this was intended to remind participants to take care of themselves just as they care for others

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