Catfish Tournament to Raise Money for Hammond Family

By Quinn O’Hara

A catfish tournament has been organized to raise money for Kate Hammond and her two sons who recently lost their husband and father. The tournament will be in conjunction with this year’s Red Bandana Run, which will also raise money for the Hammonds.

Matt Wright, the organizer of the event, holds several fishing tournaments each summer and said he wanted to hold one to support his sister, Kate. He said the tournament will also help get more kids and families outside and enjoy nature.

Entry for the tournament will cost $150 with $50 going directly to the Hammonds. Each team can have up to four members. Anglers can fish all bodies of water for channel, blue, and flathead catfish with any method of their choice. Anglers can keep three fish: two under 24 inches and one over 24 inches. The tournament will also feature a $50 side pot for the biggest fish.

Registration will be held at the Morganville Ball Field on August 2 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Anglers can then travel to any body of water to catch their limit. Anglers will then meet back at the Morganville Ball Field for check and weigh in the following day at 11 a.m. The top three teams will be paid 60%, 30%, and 10% of the prize pool depending on their place on the leaderboard.

All fish checked in will then be cleaned and cooked for a free will donation fish fry at 1 p.m. with all proceeds going to the Hammonds.

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