CCCHS Greenhouse Selling Student-Grown Plants

By Quinn O’Hara

Photo by Quinn O’Hara

The students of Clay Center Community High School’s Agriculture Education Department are selling plants they have grown during the school year.

The student’s greenhouse, located between CCCHS and the Mark A Chapman Stadium, holds several species of flowers, succulents, vegetables, houseplants, and more. CCCHS Ag Teacher Andrea Flegler said the yearly sale is a benefit to both students and the community.

Several of the plants for sale have been sourced locally, said Flegler. Several community members will host plants for the students to harvest cuttings of, which is where they have sourced some of their Wandering Jew specimens. New to this year’s plant sale is a species of fern, which Flegler said was high in demand in previous years.

Flegler said the greenhouse and its accompanying sale have been a great way to get students outside the classroom, out of their desks, and on their feet actively learning about the world around them.

The Clay Center FFA Plant Sale will be open on April 30 from 3:30pm to 6pm, and May 1 through 3 from 8am to 6pm.

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