CCEMS Wants To Bridge A Gap In Post-Hospital Care

By Quinn O’Hara

CCEMS is wanting to trial a new way to care for hospital patients.

CCEMS Service Director Alec Trembath says there’s a gap in care between the time a person is discharged from the hospital and is healthy enough to live on their own:

In order to fill this gap, Trembath says CCEMS will be trialing a new form of at-home patient care, called Mobile Integrated Healthcare. Trembath says this new program will help bridge that gap in similar way to a doctor performing a house call:

Trembath says Mobile Integrated Healthcare has been in the works across the entire EMS industry for a while, but the cost of service to the patient has been a hindering factor. He says there is a current push by the EMS industry to change the way Medicare, Medicaid, and other insurance pays at a federal level. In the meantime, Trembath says he wants to trial a similar program to get a jump start on the process but is unsure of when that trial will be.

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