Clay Center BPW Annual Car Show Brings Many to Clay Center

By Payton Tholstrup

Clay Center BPW (Business and Professional Women) has been hosting its annual car show at Piotique since 2011. Since then, the event has grown in popularity, with more than 150 vehicles participating each year. The BPW is a charitable organization, and BPW of Clay Center is just one of the local chapters of this civic organization. The group focuses on scholarships for Kansans seeking higher education and fully believes in women helping women.

The idea for a car show at Piotique came to the group in 2011 when the President of Kansas BPW Educational Foundation, Inc. challenged each local organization to come up with an original fundraiser for the foundation. From then on, the Clay Center BPW has been able to send $500 to the Kansas BPW Educational Foundation.

Most of the planning is done from May to the last weekend of September. The show has many spectators and lunch is served to 250-300 people. Two photo opportunities are offered, a change that began last year. Saturday photos are taken in front of the bandshell in Dexter Park. Friday photos are taken that evening in front of the Iwo Jima mural at 4th and Lincoln. “If you want a photo of your vehicle and don’t want to enter the car in the show, we ask for a $10 contribution and photos may be picked up on Saturday under the North Shelter of Dexter Park,” said LewAnn Schneider, Executive Secretary of the group.

Another benefit of the show is the support the group can show the local community. Revenue is brought to Clay Center through events with entry fees, motel rooms, restaurant meals, store sales, fuel sales, vendors, and food concessions. The group also chooses to buy most of their supplies locally. Schneider shared that the Friday evening photo opportunity has increased the number of motel rooms the participants in the show use.

When people pick up their pictures, they’re asked to complete a survey about their experience. Responses showed that 73% of vehicle exhibitors would not have come to Clay Center without the car show. 33% of respondents ate in a Clay Center restaurant, 23% purchased an item in a store, 41% purchased something from a vendor, 60% purchased a food item from a concession stand, and 62% purchased fuel. To register for the car show, you can email or text/call 785-313-7471. The form can also be found on their Facebook page. Pre-registrations are due by September 21st, and the first 150 registrants receive a free meal, a framed 4×6 photo of their vehicle, and a welcome bag. Pre-registrants also receive a free t-shirt. Welcome bags include a can of auto windshield cleaner provided by Avery Auto Parks, a bottle of AmerSeal tire sealant provided by American Sealant, and other items.

Not only does the event help the community of Clay Center, but it also provides scholarships to local students. “This year (2024-2025 school year) area students were offered $10,350 from BPW of Clay Center and an additional $12,500 from Kansas BPW Foundation, Inc.”

This year’s car show will be held on September 28th at Dexter Park, located at 6th and Grant. Cars, trucks, motorcycles, and other vehicles are welcome. Participants who would like to be in the parade are asked to park in a specific area, so they will have easy access to depart and return to Dexter Park.

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