Clay Center Elks Hand Out American Flags in Honor of Flag Day

By Quinn O’Hara

Photo by Quinn O’Hara

June 14 is Flag Day in the United States. The holiday commemorates when the United States approved the design for its first national flag in 1777.

In honor of Flag Day, the Clay Center Elks Lodge #2253 gathered funds to provide 36 American flags to Clay Center businesses.

Loni Yarrow, the Clay Center Elks Lodge Exalted Ruler, said the project aimed to celebrate the American flag and foster a sense of community.

The Elks will also be partnering up with the American Legion Post #101 on June 14 to host a flag retirement ceremony also in honor of Flag Day.

In a note passed out with the flags, the Elks thanked the community for their support and participation in their celebrations.

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