Clay Center Elks Lodge Donates Free CCGPT Rides to Lighthouse For Christ

By: Ryan Duey

Every Thursday night the Clay Center Elks Lodge No. 2253 holds a Burger Basket Night Fundraiser to help support a local community charity or event.  A different charitable event is designated to receive the funds from this fundraiser every month.

In August the Elks Lodge used the proceeds from their Burger Basket Night to purchase Clay County General Public Transportation punch cards and gave them to the Lighthouse For Christ to distribute to those in need. Abby Sprague, Lighthouse for Christ Director, said these rides will be used for essential transportation needs.

The Elks Lodge donated 30 punch cards with ten free rides on each card. Sprague said those needing transportation will need to go through the Lighthouse’s referral process.

Sprague said they are very thankful to the Elks for giving them the donations. The Burger Basket Night and other community fundraisers highlight the great community support within the area.

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