Clay Center Fire Department Awarded Smoke Detector Grant

By Payton Tholstrup

The Clay Center Fire Department has been awarded a smoke detector grant for homeowners in Clay Center for 2024. The grant is a partnership between the Kansas State Fire Marshall’s Office and the Clay Center Fire Department.

To qualify for this grant, you must:

  1. Live in Clay Center.
  2. Own your house
  3. Be willing to fill out an installation form.
  4. Allow the city fire department members to install the detectors.
  5. Allow the installer to assist you with an escape plan and any other Fire Department-related questions or concerns you may have.

This grant is not available for landlords or those who rent.

If you are hearing or visually impaired, contact the fire department and they will assist you in applying for these alarms, whether you own or rent your home.

It is important to note that under the Kansas Statue, The Smoke Detector Act 31-162, the owner of a structure shall supply and install all required smoke detectors.

If you are interested or have questions, please call the Fire Department at 785-632-5606.

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